Thursday, July 28, 2011


"Holy Crap!!!"    

"Pookie! What did you just say?"  I asked. 

"I say 'holy crap'", he replied. 

I explained to Pookie that we don't say that. 

Several days later......................

"Holy Cow!" 

"Pookie, didn't I tell you not to say that?" I asked. 

"No, you say not to say 'holy crap'. I not say 'holy crap'. I say 'holy cccccoooowwww'". He enunciation the cow very slowly so that I'd understand the difference. 

"Well, you can't say that either. You can't say holy anything. You can call God holy and that's it." 

"What can I say? Holy what?" he asked, seemingly confused. 

"Holy NOTHING!" I told him. He nodded, smiled, hugged me and said, "OK Mama."

Several days later..........................

"Holy Nothing!"

I give up. 


  1. This reminds me of an experience we had:

  2. We also don't let the kid's say all the various OMG derivatives. A while back, Cameron hollered out of his room, "Are we allowed to say, `Oh my Bible?!?'"
